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Via Fontedamo, 3 60035 Jesi (AN) Italy


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1.1 The Management defines and documents its Quality and Environment Policy, including objectives and commitments for quality and improvement of its environmental performance, through this document and in the Review for objectives and commitments for the period.

1.2 The Quality and Environment Policy is relevant to the business objectives and the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

1.3 The Management shall ensure that this policy is understood, implemented, and supported at all levels of the organization and is brought to the attention of all stakeholders.

1.4 The Management shall ensure the necessary resources for the implementation of the Quality and Environment Policy.

1.5 The Quality and Environment Policy and its objectives are reviewed and updated in the annual review of the Management.


JM ENTERPRISE S.r.l. analyzes business risks by identifying threats and opportunities from outside, strengths and weaknesses of internal processes. The aim is to exploit opportunities and make business risk acceptable.

JM ENTERPRISE S.r.l. wants to be a reference for its customer for the production of vehicles for Aircraft Refueling. For this reason, JM:

  • has developed an organization that aims to meet any customer requirement by designing and manufacturing vehicles that meet their specifications.
  • has developed and implemented environmental and workers’ health and safety protection programs. A protection program for the activities carried out within the company and on which it has power of direct influence. It complies with the requirements of the mandatory standards and the standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.

Through the management system for quality and environment, JM ENTERPRISE S.r.l. aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Ensure that its activities are carried out in accordance with the current standards and laws applicable to the company in terms of quality and environment;
  • Improve the company’s ability both to understand and develop customer requests and to respond promptly to them;
  • Ensure compliance of the products with the regulations, mandatory or voluntary, applicable in relation to the technical specifications defined by the customer by applying, where required, the quality requirements of welding 3834-2.
  • Detect, decrease, and/or eliminate non-conformities and customers complaints;
  • Promoting and maintaining the health and safety of workers protection during the activities carried out by minimizing risks and planning prevention;
  • Define environmental objectives and targets, to be integrated with the operational management of reference sites and business development programs;
  • Implement every effort in organizational, operational, and technological terms to prevent water, air, and soil pollution;
  • Adequately motivate workers through training programs, trying to retain employees through their consultation and implementing solutions to foster a relaxed and stimulating business climate.
  • To improve the efficiency of the business processes, respecting the full satisfaction of the Customer and the expected environmental performances.

In this regard, must be defined and implemented appropriately methodologies for monitoring, measuring, analyzing, and improving business processes critical to the quality and environment of the products/services provided, its own environmental aspects and impacts, and customer satisfaction in compliance with the expectations of all other stakeholders, in order to:

  • Evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the Quality and Environment System in meeting the specified requirements and in demonstrating the conformity of the products/services provided;
  • Check the ability of the Quality System and the organization in general, to pursue the objectives;
  • Identify and implement appropriate improvement actions, with a view to effectiveness and efficiency, also in terms of environmental performance, of the Quality and Environment System.

The Management is committed to planning and implementing the process of continuous involvement of all personnel to achieve the necessary sensitivity towards the concepts and tools of quality and environmental management.

The quality system must operate in compliance with the requirements dictated by the standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 3834-2, in addition to other applicable mandatory regulations.

During the Review of the Quality and Environment, Management System the Management undertakes to quantify the above objectives and possibly to define new ones and to analyze whether the objectives of the period have been achieved.

All staff must be involved in achieving the objectives identified in this document.

Any changes to this policy are defined by the Management in the system review report.

This document shall be circulated to all interested parties so that they can operate in accordance with its contents.



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